You need help, and here I am.

My services are broken into 4 categories.

The most common projects I help cafes & bakeries with - straightforward and majorly impactful

Whether you have something specific in mind or don’t know where to start, reach out for a consultation where I can hear where you’re at and make a customized plan for you

Teaching and growing managers is one of my favorite things. Give your management the right training so they can help you grow!

From staff meetings to leadership summits to conferences and panels, I pride myself in being a fun and engaging speaker.

tested & true


Recipe Costing Sheet

a robust, customized Google sheet that is tailored to your business, easy to update, and streamlines your recipe-costing process

  • Knowing your margins on all your products is arguably one of the most important things to do well in your business. This process should be easy to execute, easy to update, and provide you with clear data that will help your business succeed.

    You will use this sheet for years and years to come, and it will also serve as a clear library of all of your recipes in one easy-to-access place.

  • A completely customized Google sheet that you can use to cost out all recipes in your cafe & bakery. This sheet will be set up to base all of your recipes off of your inventory costs and comes with coaching and oversight so that YOU can reliably move forward with your costing sheet with confidence!

  • $475

    includes 1 initial menu exploration meeting, customized sheet with basic coffee drinks and 10 of your own recipes finished, and 2 - 30 minute lessons with me on how to use the sheet (to be used with in 90 days).

    More recipes and lessons can be added on to this package as needed.

    Ready to move forward? Contact me here to get the ball rolling.

Want a more affordable DIY approach?
Check out my collaboration project with my colleague Laila Ghambari: a drink menu costing tool recommended for cafes with simpler, straight-forward menus. 

Retail Signage Revamp

the retail game is all about capturing your brand & removing barriers to purchasing. Let me help you give your shelves a boost and see your sales rise!

  • I see it time and time again - you go into a cafe and have no idea what is being offered, what’s special about it, or how much it is. As a previous cafe owner myself, I totally understand that retail signage is one of those details that you’re often just too busy to get to!

    You’re also probably not a graphic designer and have a hard time wanting to pay a graphic designer every time you have a slight menu change or add a new mug to your retail items.

    Clear signage helps remove barriers for the customers to purchase, eliminating hesitation and allowing impulse to work it’s magic on sales.

    I will work within your brand guidelines to create signage for your menu, pastries, and retail items via editable files in Canva, while also creating a reasonable operational system to help you and your team keep them up to date and in good condition. Practicality + beauty + directly hitting your P&L = a must!

  • I will work within your brand guidelines to create signage for your menu, pastries, and retail items via editable files in Canva, while also creating a reasonable and approachable operational system to help you and your team keep them up to date and in good condition.

  • $1800

    1 - menu & retail inventory exploration call, 1 - branding questionnaire, 1 drink menu design, 1 food menu design, a pastry tag template with 10 pastries completed, and 2 different retail tag templates (1 simple and 1 feature set), with 10 total retail items completed, 1 - 1 hour follow up meeting for teaching you how the templates work and how to execute them regularly through Canva.

    Pastry tags and retail tags only - $1200

    Additional investment might be needed if sign holders or other retail accessories are needed.

    Need a custom package or ready to pull the trigger? Contact me here!

Orientation & Training Plan

Most small businesses are winging their orientation and training and it shows in their turn over rate, their inter-company conflicts, their operations, and their sales. One of the biggest things I pride myself on, is creating excellent & clear plans for introducing any new person to a company.

  • Managing people is one of the most difficult jobs in the world - you think you’re being clear, on the same page as your team, and then someone quits unexpectedly and even worse, out of anger or frustration. It’s heart breaking and confusing, yet you are responsible as the manager and/or the business owner.

    Maybe you’re team isn’t doing what you want them to do or do you don’t know how to motivate them to achieve the things you care about…

    I’m sure you wonder whether this will get any easier…

    Well, after successfully managing cafe and bakery teams for well over 10 years, the first thing to address is your orientation & training plan. When you start people on the right foot, you dramatically increase your potential for clear communication, greater profit, and ease in operations.

    Taking the time to clearly lay out your mission and value system, your expectations, and your goals at the beginning sets the tone for your team, building confidence and engaging best efforts.

  • We start with a company questionnaire to really dig into what makes you tick, what you’re hoping for out of your team, and the ethos of your company. Then, I will develop a customized orientation packet and training guide that is true to your brand and reasonable in execution.

    Well executed, this packet and plan is guaranteed to get you excited about your company as well as every new employee that comes to work for you, giving clear guidelines for operations, communication, and expectations.

    I’ve seen this dramatically increase engagement of employees and it really is a must.

  • $1500

    Includes the company questionnaire, a one hour strategy session (open to any member of your team that you’d like), a customized orientation packet for your entire team and a training plan for the first 30 days of one of your departments (customer facing folks, back of house team, or baking team.)
    Includes 2 rounds of edits/revisions with 30 minute meetings each.

    All documents are created in Canva and will be handed off to you at the completion of the project and can be edited by you anytime as your business grows and changes.

    More department training plans can be created for an additional $650 per team which includes two additional 30 minute meetings for strategy and revision.

    Ready to move forward? Contact me here!

Custom Consulting

Everyone needs a boost sometimes, and maybe you don’t even know where to start! Why not chat with a trusted and known source who understands where you’ve been and help you achieve your goals?

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me and let’s talk about those constant fires or what’s keeping you up at night. I will give you honest feedback and propose a plan for you to get where you want to be.

Consultations are always free and low pressure.

Manager Mentorship

One of the biggest misses I see in Cafe Operations, is lack of business and leadership knowledge in the Cafe Manager.

The pathway from barista to manager is often a jumbled and unclear mix of experience and self-taught strategy.

Your managers should be executing your mission and values, leading your team to raise profits, lower costs, and grow in their skills and knowledge.

Through my manager mentorship service, I will meet with your cafe manager, providing the mentorship they need to grow, achieve your goals, and set up your cafe for operational success well into the future.

This isn’t just an investment into your current manager but all managers to come.

consider me an on-call district manager if you will

Custom packages for on-going mentorship available.

Services start at $300

I love public speaking.

There, I said it.

I pride myself in being an excellent teacher and trainer. From leadership summits to specialty coffee conferences, to cafe teams and panels, I love breaking down large concepts in a way that inspires and sparks joy and passion.

Want someone to come out and talk with your team about raising sales? I’m your girl!

Need seed-to-cup specialty coffee education? I got you.

I love sharing what I know in an approachable, fun, and engaging way, from 5 people to 150+. I have a range of curriculums that I’ve used for all my teams past and I would love to share them with you.

Reach out with what you have in mind and let’s chat!